I think I can join you for the silent gathering coming up. (Yay!) From the Sardello quotation, the line about seeing the core of others struck me. Imagine all of us having this ability! How compassionate the world would be. Just that single obscurity causes so much trouble. This is worth a ponder.

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This is wonderful news. I will email you with Zoom link and details next week. We will gather at 12pm ET on Sunday June 2.

I echo you: "Imagine all of us [seeng the core of others]! How compassionate the world would be." Perhaps these Gatherings in Silence will have a bit of drops-in-the-ocean ripple.

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So beautiful! I can't wait to check out the welcome page (going there now). And I definitely want to do the silence gathering as time allows. I will have to miss the first one in June, but will send an email to register for July's. Thank you so much for this offering!

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I am quickened reading your note with anticipation of sharing in silence with you—as your timing permit. Thank you.

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May 19Liked by Renée Eli, Ph.D.

There is so much good stuff here Renee, thank you! I will contact you about gathering in silence, I am interested! xo

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Donna, thank you. I emailed you.

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May 19Liked by Renée Eli, Ph.D.

Thank you Renée for your focus on companionship, and not quickly passing by. Intent to create this time and space when in silence is to nourish our relationship.

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Doreen, thank you for being a companion in Silence. It is very good to 'see' you here. . .

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