What an absolutely gorgeous offering! I have no doubt it will be wonder-full and magical in absolutely every way. Anyone in attendance will be wholly changed forever and for the better, of that I am certain. ❤️

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Jenna, thank you for this. 🙏

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Sep 8Liked by Renée Eli, Ph.D.

Having enjoyed the pleasure of accompanying you in pilgrimage vicariously here on ‘Beyond the Comfort Zone’, I love what your offering, a “Pilgrimage in Place”. I’ve reminisced about the moments I have gathered in groups organized around sacred remembering and becoming. It strikes me now, that since Covid and the ‘social virus’ I have isolated.

That isolation felt important and necessary for me. But it has its limits. I’m nostalgic for being in those rarefied fields and the atmosphere of shared silent reverie. I hope I can join you. If not, I thank you for your enaction.

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Megan, thank you for accompanying me every mile. 🙏❤️

You touch on something important: we're still riding the existential waves of Covid, still on that pilgrimage. Only, we didn't know it was a pathless path we were given. . . .

You know I would treasure your presence in shared reverie, and if not this time, there will be others.

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Sep 8Liked by Renée Eli, Ph.D.

Ah, this piece is exactly what I needed to soothe me at this moment when I have overwhelmed myself with inner hurry stemming from an untrusting mind. Thank you, Renée.

The retreat sounds like just what I was looking for but the timing is not a match for me at this time. I hope there will be another one in not so distant future.

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Beata, You say this so beautifully that I wish to repeat it: ". . . when I have overwhelmed myself with inner hurry stemming from an untrusting mind."

It is that little seed of doubt, isn't it, that takes root and grows a whirling boulder right in the middle of the moment.

I so look forward to another occasion when timing is good, Beata, and thank you for expressing interest in this retreat. If there is enough regional interest, I will head West to offer this or another one on wonder in the spring. Let's stay in touch. . . .

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Sep 9Liked by Renée Eli, Ph.D.

That whirling boulder! That’s exactly how it feels inside!

Yes, please, let me know when you’re heading west to lead a retreat. I would love to be a part of it.

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It's good to be in good company!

I surely will keep you in the loop about heading west. In the meantime, it will be a lovely to continue to see you (and sit with you!) online.

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Sep 10Liked by Renée Eli, Ph.D.

Would you happen to have a recommendation for a retreat spot not far from Los Angeles. My background is Catholic but have been participating in Zen gathering in my adult life. A self-directed place would be perfect in case you know one. Thank you 🙏🏽❤️

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Beata, I have friends in N. Ca, and while that’s not the S. Ca, they may have some ideas. I will ask and follow up with you. 🙏❤️

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Thank you, Renée❤️

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Sep 8Liked by Renée Eli, Ph.D.

This sounds so lovely, Renee. I will just be returning to the Sierras in northern California for the winter at that time in early December. Hope I get to sit with you online between now and then.

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Susie, the Sierras in the winter sounds wonderful, and I hope we get to sit together online soon, too. Our next Gathering in Silence is Oct 6, and you are on the email list. And I'll send a note shortly re: this Saturday's conversation on silence, solitude, and simplicity, and would love to see you then, too, if timing works for you.

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Sep 8Liked by Renée Eli, Ph.D.

Perfect ❤️

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Thank you, Doreen. ❤️

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