Jul 8Liked by Renée Eli, Ph.D.

"Our eyes on the horizon, every day is a prayer, every prayer is nothing less and nothing more than a yes to being, and in every yes to being, the agonies and the joys." Molly Bloom grasped this. TY, Renee.

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Thank you for sharing this with me today.

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Reneé what synchronicity. I just did a post, titled The Shining Star of Hope. Using The Star from the Tarot deck. I find a lot of similarities here, like hope is not wishing... agree! For me hope needs both the thought and the feeling that goes with it. Star dust mixing it all together as prayer. This is a beautiful poetic post, thank you. Love this..."Our eyes on the horizon, every day is a prayer, every prayer is nothing less and nothing more than a yes to being, and in every yes to being, the agonies and the joys."

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Julie, thank you for guiding me to your post, "The Shining Star of Hope." I echo that there are many similarities in our reflections, especially apropos "hope is not wishing."

Star dust mixing it all together as prayer. Yes! Our posts seem beautifully complimentary, and I regret not seeing yours or this comment sooner. I learned a great deal from your post. Thank you.

For others who may see this comment, Julie's post: https://liminalwalker.substack.com/p/the-shining-star-of-hope

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Jul 10Liked by Renée Eli, Ph.D.

When we can view hope from where it comes from. From peace, from purpose, from a dedication to bringing light. It changes our perspective from one of 'let's hope this happens' to this will happen because we all have hope. It's a blessed thing that you bring to my door today Renee and the medicine that I needed in this moment. My prayer was answered. Love Louise x

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Dear Louise,

Thank you for sharing your always heartfelt reflections. You touch at the groundswell of hope as the qualities emanating from the emanating star. 🙏

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Renée Eli, Ph.D.

To open my own thinking... I'm an advocate for 'not hoping', or what I can seemingly call right now 'Falling out of' or 'De-mystifying' Hope. What struck me most : " Hope is not to be found in New Age mantras of manifestation, which serve the wants of ‘I’ ".

'Care of the Soul' by Thomas Moore awakened my awareness to the more ritualistic concept of Manifestation : the idea that we are always manifesting... yet in accordance to the living world ("Active hope is active surrender to the emanating star.") ... not the 'desired world' of our own created "I"-ness for some 'brighter-starred' future -. Ie. To say, You are already in manifest... for I already 'Am' - or even - already "Am That" - in accordance with the story of the World that Is.

I hate to be despairing in saying - "Do not hope" - for hopefulness, as per my own understanding, put's a desired outcome for things - separating Your "Am-ness" from what is right and real in your 'line-of-sight' - hoping for something other than what-is - or what-shall-be.

I am fearful to say - I may have passed over the point in your essay for my own thinking. To return credit to you Renée - the opening - lying awake unknowing of what real war is like - holds the extremity of our relationality today. I hold the burden of agony knowing there is so little I can do for our Kin on the other side of the world - and my own agony cannot equate to those in the realness of what is only shared by the media 'allowed' on our little-shared screens. I can feel the explosiveness of the world through these words - and the restlessness of your recognition to my own.

It seems I cannot say much more -

Bless the Agonies - as the lightful Bliss of Our Humanity....

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Thank you for your thoughtful reflection on this letter. Your reflections do not touch me as despairing. As I read them, they seem to echo those of this letter . . . in essence, we are suggesting active hope is active surrender. I believe you are pointing to this? Feel free to share more if you are so inclined. . . .

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"Active Hope is [or as] Active Surrender" - I never considered putting them in the same basket. I'll work with it.

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I feel giddy reading this because that Tomberg quote from the Star is one that I actually remember, that I carry with me. When I began 2023 invoking comfort, the first archetype/tarot pair I worked with included the Star. It was Tomberg's vision that hope is the fertile soil upon which what is new under the sun will be that I most needed as took those first steps into comfort. And then, this week's archetype/tarot pair being the Explorer and the Hermit...the marriage of contemplation and activity feels like a spiraling to a deeper depth. Thank you for this invitation into true solitude. So perfectly beautiful!

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I'm giddy that you're giddy. It is also wonderful to read this connection to the Star (emanating hope) for your year of invoking comfort. Thank you for sharing this.

P.S. I have read your wonderful explorations on the pair for this week and am contemplating still all that surfaced. More soon. . .

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Jul 8Liked by Renée Eli, Ph.D.

Renee, this is beautiful! I could go on and on about what you have written but I am choosing to go on and on about HOW you have written. That first sentence blew my mind. I don't know much about stylistic writing (we can ask Dr Penry about that!) but I found this paragraph/sentence held so much power and hope because of the way it was written and the piece continued to draw me in until the very end. Well done.

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Thank you for your kind words and for reading, not only as a reader, but as a writer, too. You've given added encouragement for staying in the writing burrow these summer days. 🫶

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Jul 8Liked by Renée Eli, Ph.D.

All true!

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“We sense hope in a bird’s nest. We hold it in a seed.” Beautiful reminder. Thank you for this. 🪺

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It's wonderful to see you here. Thank you for reading and for your comment. 🙏

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What a lovely reflection on hope: thank you!

There bit caught my eye, and I'll probably write in my journal for more reflection.

"Hope is not in tomorrow unless hope is in today. Our eyes on the horizon, every day is a prayer, every prayer is nothing less and nothing more than a yes to being, and in every yes to being, the agonies and the joys."

I also fell in love with your final paragraph. I need to read it a few more times. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Thank you for sharing, and thank you for reading . . . and reflecting. If your reflections do make their way to the page and they wish for a reader, please do circle back. Or feel free to DM me.

What a pleasure to connect here. 🙏

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Jul 7Liked by Renée Eli, Ph.D.


Stellar writing here. I’m left pondering our responsibility as mutual partners in the seeding of hope. Partners with the ever present origin, with the stars, with the implicate. As it reaches out to us as fertile ground, in which it seeds our becoming.

Your mature explication of hope as relational, is a gentle ‘shaking awake’, a spritz of rose water to the face. Your offering today of an image of hope is reviving. It helps in bringing awareness to a closed loop of hoping, that may in fact keep us in the ‘history repeating itself’ circle game.

Love you friend…I read you to “know I am not alone”. -CS Lewis

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We are pondering together . . . mutual partners . . . revivifying hope . . . willingly saying yes like light emanating from the stars in these in-between times. Thank you for this, and as always for reading, for your presence, and for your reflections. ❤️

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Renée, thank you for once again writing of things in ways that forge new paths in my brain and in my heart. Your letter today is full of ideas that I've touched on in conversation as of late, yet your language takes that conversation to profound new levels. The depth of you is everywhere in your writing and I'm intrigued as I allow your words to take me where they will. Thou art a Holy Woman.

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Thank you for sharing. These conversations . . . are gathering. Thank you for having them.

The field of possibility seems enlivened. . . .

Thank you also for your heartening words about words here taking you/me/us where they will. Here, they surely connect us. Now you and I are in conversation on hope, and that is a novel pattern in the field! More and more, it seems that in these in-between times, what we offer matters.

It is a pleasure to connect here. Thank you. 🙏

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